Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dose of Courage

You learn you can do your best even when it’s hard, even when you’re tired and maybe hurting a little bit. It feels good to show some courage. ~ Joe Namath

Courage is more exhilarating than fear, and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. ~ J.K. Rowling

To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself. ~ Søren Kierkegaard

The spiritual warrior hides from nothing. We jump into the fire, we dive into the ocean. We become the sea. ~ Charlotte Kasl

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

SFRS (Paris)

I've made a few stop-motion films this year and this is the last one. Maybe.
Stay tuned for updates on our new Daphna films ... we start casting soon!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Isn't That the Truth

Steven Brisson

When I told him I had a major in
English, he said, too bad for you this
is America & he started me out at
the bottom.

From Story of the Day on Storypeople
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