Monday, April 28, 2008

Creative disasters and my brain exploding...

I had a couple of artistic disasters on Saturday. I don't know what makes me think I can paint or draw or bring anything out of my head and turn it into something besides words. I tried to paint a cute bird perched upon a tree with winding branches. It failed. So then I tried markers. It failed. His eye became a blob of green somehow and the rest...well, not to be desired. I've realized that I can draw (somewhat) decently with pen or pencil, but when color comes into play...forget about it! That is why I stick to collage and perhaps the ocassional painted background. I know I have a lot to learn about the art world. I'm still not even that great at ATCs, but I'm learning and looking and buying a lot of really neat stuff to try and "help" me out.

I'm a bit off focus. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be focusing on, but I know that I have a lot of ideas swirling in my head - things I want to make, stories I want to write, books I want to read, communities I want to participate in - and I just can't do it all at once. I feel a bit overwhelmed with creativity. A blessing or a curse? Either way, it's a very unorganized process. I've tried writing it all down, but then I just have to remember to look at what I've written.

P.S. You wouldn't believe that a new idea just popped into my head. Ack!!!

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