Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two of my favorite things...

Not my macarons!

The blueberry French wasn't a complete fail. They taste delicious, but the presentation is less than desirable and the blueberry, cream cheese filling is more like a cookie dip than a filling. It was a battle last night, let me tell you. The pastry bags rebelled against us. The filling had to be mixed twice because the butter and cream cheese didn't blend together the first try and the whole thing looked like speckled blueberry syrup. My batch of cookies slightly burned on the bottom and they were way too small. But alas, I have promised to master these delicate pastries. Who knew it would be so difficult to create such a small piece of heaven?


In other news, I am proud to say I have discovered what is now one of my favorite shops in Knoxville - The Book Eddy. This is a quaint bookshop whose sign boasts, "Not your mainstream bookstore," and that is exactly why I love it! I have been eying it for a few months now - always curious as to what treasures were hidden inside and on Saturday, during a spontaneous trip to Disc Exchange (Luc's favorite music shop located next door to The Book Eddy), I finally gave in to my curiosity. The inside reminded me of every old bookshop I've ever seen in movies. Most recently, Audrey Hepburn's bookstore in Funny Face. The bookshelves go on forever, like an old library in a dream. Even the floor is peppered with books just waiting to be explored.

I found The Gift by Hilda Doolittle - a book I've been looking for for years! My heart practically jumped out of my chest at the sight of it. I found tons of books about Ezra Pound, his early poetry, even a book by Colette, a classic French icon. I am a lover of old literature and this shop has all of it! I could spend hours just sitting on the floor looking through all the books.

Luc found his share of treasures too - used records. Bands I've never heard of, except for Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Needless to say, I was the happiest girl in the galaxy after my discovery. Finally, a place that caters to all the people who care about more than what's on the best seller's list!

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