Friday, October 3, 2008

Ballet Nostalgia (In pictures!)

It's been 8 years, folks! Ahh...the memories. Shall we look at a few shining moments?

Backstage at my first recital. I was a total novice at putting on makeup, much less stage makeup. Thank God my grandmother was there to save the day! I can't remember what the name of our dance was. It was a short one, maybe 2 minutes long, but I savored every minute.

Cinderella was my first big performance. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos from that particular year, but I was cast as the evil step-mother, and it was my first year on pointe. I was scared and a little clumsy, but it was such a fun role!

Next came La Fille Mal Gardee. My main part was as the Harvest Queen. This photo was after the performance. Kirstie (middle) was the rooster and my sister (right) was a maiden. I believe that was her first year in ballet.

Getting made up for A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Me as Titania. This was my main costume for the part. I love how the sleeves look like little wings. (Psst...yes, that is my natural hair color.)

The grand wedding costume! This is my former ballet instructor's favorite tutu. I was the third dancer to wear it! It has been worn in every wedding march and I was honored to adorn it :)

The faeries practice a dance for Sleeping Beauty. I loved the look of all the colorful tutus lining the floor.

I love this photo of my sister putting on her makeup. She was the Emerald Faerie in Sleeping Beauty and her first major role.

My last and most treasured performance. Being Carabosse in Sleeping Beauty was a blast! Probably my favorite part of all time. Here I am with Lilac Faerie.

*The* most awesome wings a girl could have!

I hope there are many more years of memories to make and pictures to take. After I moved I was scared ballet wouldn't be a part of my life anymore. The demands of time, money, and living on my own (with bf and dog) for the first time was a huge change for me, and I was really afraid it would all take away from my life of 5 days a week of ballet. It's true that I don't get in as much ballet time as I'd like, but I'm still dancing and dancing with all my heart. That's all I can ask for.

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