Monday, November 24, 2008

And winter came

Lately, I have been enjoying my wings. The ones that never disappear. Even under all the black there is the glitter. I look like Violet and I think like Claire.

faeries, pure white, winter stars, whimsical crafts, lots of dancing, exploring

I have to fill my mind with these things. It's important to remember my wings this time of year.

Rainy and dark today. Saturday was cloudy and I woke up depressed without even knowing it was cloudy. I have seasonal affective disorder and have just kind of lived with it for many years. Texas has mostly sunny winters so it wasn't as hard to combat, but here, the clouds roll in and stay a spell. A very long spell, or what seems long to me. I think a week of gloomy weather could drive me insane. I felt that way Saturday. I knew something had to be done if I was already feeling horrible in November.

I saw an ad in the Metropulse for a place called Green Earth Emporium selling salt lamps. I had read about the lamps in the past. They are supposed to be good for a number of reasons, one being that they release negative ions, which boost energy levels, get rid of headaches, clean the air, etc. I have also read that the glow is beneficial for people with s.a.d. It may all be hocus pocus, but I'm willing to try. And if nothing else, it's quite nifty looking. Also, I can't afford light therapy lamps at this time. It might be something I need to invest in though.

The highlight of my Saturday was the French Market. A new cafe in downtown Knoxville. I was super impressed to find out that they import their macarons and petite fours from Paris every week. Of course I had a stack of macarons! Delicious and everything I had always imagined. I also had a cup of hot cinnamon spice tea, which was perfect for a cold day. Luc had a smoked salmon crepe and he was equally impressed. The French Market also serves as a French gift boutique and flower shop. A really lovely place that I will visit often.

Sunday was a different story. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect blue. Warmer. I took the dog for a walk and let him sprint and jump through the grass. I wanted to lie in the grass and watch the sky. Swim in all the blue.

The title of this post comes from Enya's new album of the same name. I have always been an Enya fan and found this album to be exactly what I needed. It's supposed to be a Christmas album, but can be listened to at any time of year, as it has mostly a winter theme and not overly holiday-ish. I like it because it helps me to embrace winter. I listened to it on Sunday whilst making Christmas presents.


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