Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rules To Live By

* Eat more cake.

* Wear 5 inch heels.

* Dream. Believe. Wish on everything.

* Own at least 1 pair of wings.

* Dance - especially with your friends. Even if you don't think you can dance.

* Live in the moment. See today as a pop-up book.

* Be thankful for what has been, what is, and what is to come.

* Read lots and lots of books.

* Bloom where you are planted.

* Let yourself write. It doesn't have to be perfect.

* Think good thoughts.

* Be inspired.

* Surround yourself with things and people you love.

* Listen to bad pop music every once in awhile.

* Pray and listen.

* Get plenty of sunshine. Don't forget the sunblock.

* Go outside your comfort zone.

* Exercise.

* Have faith.

* Lend a helping hand.

* Use your talents.

* Remember that happiness comes and goes, but joy is from the heart.

* Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Feel free to contribute to the list. What are your rules to live by?

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