Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Confirmed

I'm now 100% sure.

13 ways to know you're a changeling ~ by Francesca Lia Block

1. you have never felt as if you quite belonged
2. when you love someone it is like immolation or drowning
3. you yearn for the earth, even fantasize about eating it in handfuls
4. your skin does not seem like your own
5. metal frightens you
6. light on shallow water causes you to gasp
7. as do the carcasses of sea lions prepared by taxidermists for the coldly lit cases of dark museums
8. touch is one of the only ways you know to get back to yourself
9. but with the wrong human it can take you farther away until you almost cease to exist
10. you have repeated dreams of flying even though it takes tremendous effort and feels more like running a race
11. you have abandonment issues without necessarily any obvious cause
12. you are always secretly seeking ways to hurt yourself, as if this might prove to whoever is in charge that your tasks are done
13. hopefully, when you are young you discover something called love, which is really just another name for going home

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