Thursday, February 11, 2010

To-Do = Done

Looking back at my to-do list from almost a year ago (can you believe it?!):

1. Get over ex (it will be a lot easier when I get back to Texas and not have to see him all the time) Check
2. Get a job (preferably one that I like) Check
3. Keep looking for better jobs if I don't hit the jackpot the first time Check
4. Get a place to live Check
5. Get my wings (tattooed on my back) On the to-do list for this summer
Most importantly - BE HAPPY and find happiness in myself and not in others. No more looking for validation. Love myself. Check check check!!!

Within 10 months so many things I never thought would happen, happened. In fact, it was only three months ago that I was at my breaking point. I was still unemployed with no hope in sight. Even the idea of getting a place of my own seemed impossible. And now, everything has kind of come to me in a whirl wind. I haven't touched ground yet. It still feels frantic and scary and impossible, but what a journey.

I love this fortune cookie fortune I got. I posted it in my journal to remind me that...
"You do not have to know where you are going to be headed in the right direction."

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