Monday, March 5, 2012

Types of Body-modification

This is in response to my Poll of the week on body-modification. It's a very picture heavy post and is not for the faint of heart. Though I'm not going to be discussing anything to do with genital modification because, well, just because.

Body modification is very present in the alternative scene but of course there are a lot of mainstream loved body modifications for example: ear piercings and 'tramp stamps'. Then there are the more hardcore body modifications that I would say are reserved for those very loving of these: tongue splitting and micro-dermal implants.

Mild body-mods:
I would consider hair dying and even adding contacts as body modification. It may not be completely permanent but it's still changing your body. When you think of it piercing isn't completely permanent.

Piercings are a very obvious body-mod that tends to come straight to the mind.
There are the usual piercings including:
  • nose
  • ears (all parts of the ears)
  • lips
  • cheeks
  • monroe (part of the lip I suppose)
  • smiley (the gum)
  • the teeth
  • the skin between your fingers.
  • tongue.
  • Corset piercing
  • And probably many more.
Surface piercing:
  • Hips
  • Face
  • Pretty much every where.

Then there is micro-dermal piercing that rather than having a bar the is inserted under the skin and has (usually) two ends surfacing it's much like an earring that's implanted directly into the skin. The surface part that you can see can be removed from the hook and a new end inserted inside the hook.

Mircro-dermal implant

Isn't this just adorable? - Source

Surface piercing as most of you probably know can be used to insert hooks into the back to hang from, well, hooks. This is usually very short term otherwise the skin can be stretched so far it can't be healed again.


Tattoos are a common body-modification these days and are increasing in popularity every day. The procedure is taken using a mechanical needle that inserts ink into 1/32th of depth into your skin to, of course, create a picture.

The hardcore (depending on your perspective) body modification.

Extra-ocular Implant
Extra-ocular Implant

Also known as "eyeball jewellery". I'm pretty sure this is a moderately new technique, that isn't legal in most countries and I would not suggest google imaging it as all it shows is 'extra-ocular implants gone wrong' and it's mind scaring. This is a procedure where, basically, you have a tunnel dug into your eye and an implant inserted.

Transdermal skull implants
Transdermal implants are basically implants that are placed under the layers of skin but protrude out of it. It is used in both surgeries and for aesthetic reasons. A common type are transdermal skull implants where it looks as if you have spikes protruding out of your skull.

Sub-dermal Implants
Sub-dermal implants are placed under the skin but don't protrude out of it. Usually a moulded silicon to create any shape of choice to be shown above the skin. You can also have magnets implanted under your skin.

Tongue splitting:
Also referred to as tongue forking or bifurcation is the act of surgically cutting the tongue as far back as the 'webbing' on the underside with allow. Each side is usually stitched to prevent healing back together but healing forward is very common.

I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry about not posting it last week. It's been ridiculously hot here. At the moment it's nearly forty degree's Celsius. I have a large backlog of posts to do and a LOT of pictures. I hope you all had a lovely New Years! I went to a really fun party last night - an outfit post will result eventually!

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