Sunday, August 31, 2008


My Sunday has been blue skies and inspiration. No bittersweet feelings here. Tomorrow's a holiday!

I love the spirit in this movie. The passion. I love how Mr. Keating requires his students to rip out the "What is poetry?" page in their text books. I want to resurrect the Dead Poets Society. I want to see that kind of passion for literature and poetry. Oh, and for those of you who watch House, Dr. Wilson is a teenager in this!

I wanted to buy a teacup and matching saucer today. This set is actually a light blue color and there is gold detailing around the saucer.

I'm reading Winter Love, an in depth account of H.D. and Ezra Pound's love and poetic relationship.

I've been giving Benson plenty of attention and play time this weekend. I feel so bad for him during the week when I'm at work and he has to stay in the crate. He still has too much puppy in him to let him run loose while everyone is out of the house. After playing fetch and a long walk, he passed out for a couple of hours. He's awake now and running around like a mad dog!

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