Friday, August 22, 2008

All Googly Eyed

I'm pretty sure that everything on this website was made *exclusively* for me. Every stitch has my name on it. It's just too bad I can't purchase everything at once and have the most amazing closet full of clothes!

This looks enticing...

And wouldn't this make the cutest winter dress??

I lovelovelove babydoll dresses and Victorian ruffles and high neck collars. Oh look, something with all three!

I also nearly dropped dead when I saw these on this website. Unfortunately, they're out of stock, but when they restock, I'm all over that.

And I *know* I just bought shoes, but I can't stop thinking about these...

I'm actively bidding on this little number. I've only used Ebay once and it was a "buy now" purchase, but this is worth it. I think this just might be the perfect dress.

And now a piccie of my most recent purchases--my lovely "hooker" shoes and stripey leg warmers! Noooo...I don't wear them out in public. Not together at least *ahem*

The first boutique I spoke of is closing. Just my luck :(

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