Sunday, June 5, 2011

Angel Tattoos

Angel tattoos are popular tattoos for females and usually take on the appearance of the stereotypical CHERUBS sitting on a cloud or as an avenging angel.

Angels are spiritual beings that are believed to be much more powerful than humans. They have been thought of as creations of a separate order from human beings and sometimes as the spirits of highly evolved humans.
The actual word angel is possibly derived from a Greek word 'angeloi' or 'messenger'. Throughout biblical times it was generally believed that the will of God or 'God's Work' was carried out by angels.
Check out more Angel Tattoos HERE>>

Angels are the guardians of souls and are divine beings but have been shown to be fallible and prone to sin, particularly pride. One of the best known examples of a 'fallen angel' is Satan.
The meaning of angels and their appearance have varied throughout history. Artists have depicted angels as winged creatures, usually beautiful figures suffused in light, wearing white robes, floating on a cloud, sometimes in human form or as an angelic 'symphony from the heavens'.

n Catholicism guardian angels are believed to be intelligent spiritual creatures assigned to care for and protect every person on earth. Each person has a guardian angel assigned to them. These angels are to assist the person in attaining his eternal salvation.
Also, these angels protect groups of persons and nations. Others refer to these guardian angels as guiding spirits who control or guide and particularly help in personal safety.

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