Monday, May 19, 2008

Good things come to those who wait...

I was beginning to think I would never get to read Francesca Lia Block's new book Quakeland, but Friday night I received a call from Books-a-Million saying my order had come in. I really wasn't thinking they'd get it. I don't know why. The unseen forces of the universe tend to keep FLB's stuff away from me for long periods of time. ANYwhichway, I started jumping up and down while the message played and the beau just kind of looked on in confusion. I haven't read many pages yet, but what I've read is wonderful, as always! I noticed the picture of her on the back flap is a picture she took of herself at a party. I saw it on Myspace!

I also found this cute coffee mug at Cracker Barrel. I hadn't been there in years and was overjoyed at all the delicious candy they had on stock. So of course I picked up these coconut bon bons!

In other news...I've been crafting away - making a lot of ATCs and receiving some really amazing ones too! I'll post soon enough. I don't like the way my own art photographs though. It seems so lackluster. The colors don't come through and yadda yadda.

Oh, how I wish I had those bon bons here with me now!

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