Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just us chickens (the dog and me)

I wasn't too excited about the Memorial Day weekend on Friday because the beau left to New Mexico for a week, but the first day is always the hardest. I always settle into being alone after the first day, and this weekend has been rather delightful!

I finished three of the Paris in Springtime tags and I'm rather proud of them! It's the first time I've made tags and they're addictive.

I did some journaling and reading on the balcony on Saturday. I bought C'est La Vie. A lovely book about the French life from an American's point of view.

Today I made cinnamon rolls and drank raspberry tea.

Other wonderful things~
* I also bought Paris When it Sizzles. Have you noticed that in two of Audrey Hepburn's movies she falls in love with a writer?
*Painted my nails "pure ice peony"
*Had a big cup of white chocolate mocha and a white chocolate chunk macadamia cookie
*I eat way too many sweets :)
*Watched Marie Antoinette. Only my second time to see it. Such a drool worthy film.

The days have been filled with warm winds and sunshine putting freckles on my arms.

And there's another day left!

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