Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A memory from the future

Well, it is only 2:00 p.m. and I am already hungry again. I only just finished lunch at 1:00. I am happy to have a fast metabolism, but it is a little annoying having a bottomless pit of a stomach.

Speaking of food, I had a strange thought today as I was eating my sour apple jello. Was it sour apple? It was green, but not sour. ANYhow, let me tell you that I eat jello everyday as part of my lunch. Let me also tell you that I only eat jello everyday because I don't know what else to pack. I mean, I pack cookies and crackers and snack type things, but I don't know what else to pack to go with the actual "real" meal. I tried baby carrots, but that got boring. In fact, I'm pretty sure those carrots are still in the fridge. I used to pack the most delicious fresh fruit cups, but when I moved from Florida the new local fruit cups just seemed lacking in comparison to the Florida variety.

Ok, so back to the jello epiphany. I was sitting there eating it and realized that someday, when I'm very old, jello might be all I can eat. I imagined myself in a nursing home sipping jello from a cup and remembering back when I was 25 thinking about this very moment. I imagined myself old and wrinkly and helpless and sick, lying in a bed, eating jello. I lost my appetite shortly after.

Foreshadowing perhaps? I hope not!

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