Monday, January 19, 2009

12:51 is haunting me

haven't blogged in a few weeks. haven't had much to report.

got dressed in the dark the other day, my gitch wound up being on backwards. when i noticed, i did not turn them around.

tried drumming on my drums that i've owned for two and a half years. i watched uncle todd's youtube tutorials, didn't help. i can't even keep a beat! thusly, the drums are now for sale. 

jen and i had our two year anniversary. she is the best!

the rough cut of the film is down to 31 minutes but needs to be shorter. chad came over for the first time in months to take a look at it. i don't know if it went well.

i still have no job and a stomach ache, like i said, nothing new to report.

well, i did get hired on as the official photographer for the prime times, which is a bi-weekly old people paper (like the lance, metro, other community news). so i get to do their cover shoots. last monday i did one, had to go downtown but when an attempt to pay the city for parking was made on one of those new machines that i think makes you pay for a full hour, it wouldn't recognize my money due to the cold. then it wouldn't recognize my credit card. then i drove to the front of the building i was going to on lombard and there were some loading zone spots across the street. four ways on, i held my breath.

my car was not towed. fuck you if it did get towed, city of winnipeg. fuck you.

the time 12:51 haunts me. i always notice it, more than other times. it sneaks up on you. i'll always think it's earlier and then KABLAMO, it's 12:51. i think it haunts me because it's a palindrome, right? and the strokes song. creepy. 

when i was a kid i used to lay on my side at night (not unlike how i do now) and stare at the digital clock, thinking the sideways numbers are faces. weird.

i should write, but instead i'm forcing out a blog. deal with it.

i did this week's uptown cover with chris carmichael. check it out here and witness one of the outtakes with his guitar in his face right here. up top. there you go.

well, if anyone reads this ... bye!

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