Wednesday, January 28, 2009


still sick, but had an interesting day today.

last night jen sent me an email about an internship with the tv show less than kind shot here in winnipeg. i sent my resume and this morning was awoken by a call from the production office.

went for an interview after my lil photo shoot for the primetimes this morning. i think it went really well. there are a few paid internships, props, set dec, etc. then they saw the writing and the bruce on my resume and asked and i told and then they informed me that there was also a writing internship and that if i were interested, they would pass my name and info along to the head guy, mark mckinney, and that i would interview with him if he so desired to chat with me. you may know him from kids in the hall, saddest music in the world, studio 60 or just this -   

ya - that would be insanely cool to get to organize pages and run around for the writers - just to be a fly on the wall, you know?

jen and i had a nice night tonight, cuddled, polished off sopranos season 3, had a grilled cheese party. 

then i came home and got on this emily haines kick, attempting to compile all her collaborations (of which there are many). mostly i did this because i have (always but especially since last week's stills show) been really into the record without feathers, which emily sings on the song baby blues. so making one mix turned into two (i dl'd her solo record from the 90s, tons of collabs). also, metric had two EPs that i dl'd and a bunch of one off tunes. most interesting possibly is emily's vocal collab on delirium's stopwatch hearts. personally, my favourite is metric's acoustic cover of elliott smith's between the bars. they also just released an acoustic version up for free dl on their site of the new single help i'm alive (on mac for some reason you can't enter your email, but it worked on my pc) and it is delightful. here is a picture of emily haines wearing sunglasses and headphones.
so the internship would be from march - may while they shoot season two. i also got a tour of the almost re-assembled sets. neato! my only downfall might be that i mentioned a few names of people that may or may not vouch for me when they call for references (just cuz i haven't talked to them in forever, or in the case of one such individual - he was one of my best friends then for no reason he didn't return my phone call and we haven't spoken since). 

in the spirit of thinking about said person, i am now going to go watch lost from tonight - which i taped on my vcr. take THAT pvr hooplah!

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