Saturday, February 28, 2009

I love being able to stop and see. Everything. All the details we're too busy to notice when we're in our heels click-clacking across corporate floors, answering telephones, doing laundry. But today I went to my creative space and lay on the floor and saw the bottom of a mosaic plate illuminated by a cluster of candles sitting on top. I thought, wow. The world's beauty is in soap bubbles, little specks of dust, galaxy shards, tiny things swept under the rugs that we stomp on day after day because we're too busy to notice small treasures. That's what I hate about life. That even when I'm not busy, I'm busy. The busy ghost presses his hands into my back and pushes me one way or the other to do this or that. I want to stop to see, to think, to breathe. I want to put my ear to the soil and listen for the ants. I want to daydream, fly a kite, run my hands through thick, green grass. But there's so much noise. So much pushing. I enjoy hearing nothing but the tick-tock of the clock. That and the sound of my heart, which tells me that, yes, I am still alive. Not a zombie, not a robot, not a girl caged between fluorescent lit walls.

Friday, February 27, 2009

the same moon

so a friend of mine just moved away. she was one of my best friends, despite never really seeing her. i hope she knows this. i admired her and enjoyed her laugh and her insights and ideas and thought she was pretty great. she will be really missed.

i didn't get to say goodbye to her, because like i said we didn't get to talk much. sometimes things are known, better left unsaid, something like that.

this week had its ups and downs. some bittersweet parts and some silly, stupid, avoidable parts.

i'm currently listening to the song 'figure eight' from school house rock, it also plays in the film 'the squid and the whale'. it's a really pretty song.

hopefully next week will go better.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

blog is a four letter word

so i'm an idiot. i won't go into detail, but i royally fucked something up that i've been working a long time for.

i've been having a really hard time of it lately and i knew as soon as i did this it would bite me in the ass and they would bite my head off and then i have no ass and no head - and that is exactly how i feel. my stomach feels like it's been punched a thousand times and the way i act lately is like i have no brains. 

i will be taking a long hiatus from the internet in every form, aside from checking my emails. 

so there's that.

Friday, February 20, 2009

baROCK obama

so i wanted to say something about the jerry seinfeld perfomance on conan last night. well, say something else, i already said something in this here blog last night.

i think what rubbed me the wrong way about it was that you don't ever see anything new from seinfeld. his show has been off the air for over a decade - how are we to adapt to something new from him? he released a documentary and live dvd and has continued to do stand up and commercials and bee movie but just seeing him do stand up and an interview on conan seemed ... i don't know. foreign to me? his delivery is the same, his stand up is still meh, but because you know everything he has done so well from thousands of viewings of the show you are weary towards new material. it doesn't feel comfortable, familiar, like an old pair of underwear that becomes you after a while. it just doesn't seem right. 

that's all. blah. i hate today. i have been falling asleep early lately but couldn't last night and now here i am, arising at 1130 (only because my landlady knocked on the door to check the smoke alarm) and i'm out of it. i couldn't sleep. i hate this. i hate sitting and waiting and wondering about everything. i have had the WORST stomach aches in a while this week, makes me want to fall over and give up on life. i need this new job so, so badly. not need, want. well, need too. anyways. now i'm just typing my thoughts. every single thought. every. single. thought.


cookie party.



watched 'i yabba dabba doo' on monday with jen, where a grown up pebbles (so hot) and a grown up bamm bamm get hitched. ridiculous and formulaic but that is what the flintstones is. everyone's name is just a rock pun, every place, every object. then i thought someone should do a flintstones with baROCK obama...

fuck my life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a tail of many things

welp, last night i went and did an insane photo shoot for uptown, involving inner city kids being helped out by filmmakers. they're doing a rap video, it's basically insane but really a neat concept. one of the filmmakers was the second in command of the winnipeg warriors and did jail time and they did a doc about him for sharing circle or something and they showed the kids and it kinda scared em straight. they also told me how some of the kids at age ten are already being scouted by gangs. fucked up.

got a call about the interviews for less than kind, interviewing monday for the props/set dec departments, then on march 2nd the writers come to town so my fate might be in their hands.

also, through randomness, jen was interviewing dan from bend sinister over the phone, they were talking about how they had shot a bunch of footage two years ago for a canadian doc about touring this great country of ours, how they gave it to an editor they found on craig's list and he did nothing with it for a year (the dude disappeared basically) and jen said "i have a great editor for you" and now they are coming to town on march 18 to play, so they wanna meet up the night before and see what is what, but it basically sounds like if i'm not a psycho then they'll let me take a crack at it.

hoping to get the harvey film done sooner than later - having some slight scheduling mishaps this week. oh well. josh has a batch of new songs to work on for the soundtrack and the score and we're hoping to get the sound design done this week. also, the 16mm footage should be back from the lab soon ... fingers crossed. to keep up with your harvness, check this out.

jen and i had a great ER night tonight, watched the last few weeks of episodes we had on tape then watched tonight's and HOLY SHIT countdown to the end ... !

watched jerry seinfeld on conan tonight (one more episode in new york!) and he was so so. weird to think that conan has been on as long as he has, watched it almost from the beginning (what, i was ten when he started!) and can't believe that five years ago they named him as jay's successor (it was though, because i remember george lopez bitching at leno not going down with the ship blah blah and when was the last time you heard anyone talk about george fucking lopez?)

anyways, get to take photogs of taylor burgess aka twotails tomorrow. you will dig his fresh new sounds as he sings the mp3s at his release show next week at the lo pub. you will go. it is friday night with these guys and if you liked tigerrr beat you will adore them.

 well, fuck me i'm tired. g'nite.

Monday, February 16, 2009

valentine's romance weekend!

hey blog! i know you from school.

so the weekend was a resounding success! friday i helped my grandma load in for her antique sale, and while doing so i got a call from bruce mcdonald, just to say hi. he recommended the motley crue biography 'the dirt', i recommended the lennon book i just finished, he told me he was coming to town at the top of march to direct a few episodes of 'less than kind', i mentioned i had interviewed for a job on the show, he said we'd at least hang out. i suppose we'll see what happens. i still haven't heard from those people yet, so ... ticking clock. i need a job oh so badly, and that one would be great.

jen and i saw 'the reader' on friday night, twas quite good. saturday she spent the day making me cookies and dinner, this delicious chicken and pasta and basil and whatnot dish, better than a restaurant is all i will say. romantic too! then we watched amelie. 

sunday we spent the day lounging around, watched junebug (still a really great flick if you haven't seen it, amy adams was robbed of the oscar that year) and sopranos, more sleeping, more sopranos (halfway through season five), more romance! all in all, a great weekend with a great girl. this was our third valentine's together. insane! we also consumed so much chinese food and cupcakes that i will now not want chinese food and cupcakes for at least two weeks.

did you all keep it riel today? i hope so.

bloggity blog blog.

nineteen and under

photo by gasolinexrain

dear glossy cover girl
with poetry written on your hands
how did you get to be friends
with goddess muse hero woman
did you tell her you are sad
did you tell her you feel fat
and that boys hate you
that you are not popular
even though you have Cosmo hair
a button nose, raspberry gloss-covered lips
i could have been you, too
so many years ago
but i guess i'm all washed up now
just another girl grown up
no more kittens in the clouds
no pukka shells framing my collar bone
muse goddess wants no part of that
she is old herself
looking for a wishing well
inside your palms
poetry like pennies
a thousand broken hearts
and she has to save them
she has to cradle the babies
who write stories about faeries
but she cannot save me
i have expired

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Quick Hello

I just wanted to pop in and say please forgive my absence as of late! Last week I was in Texas visiting family and came back with an upper respiratory infection, which has kept me out of sorts. I'll be back soon with a better post :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

the rant that would be king.

blank page. sometimes you just have to start with one. ideas flow out, within you without you. i cannot get excited. i stare and i wonder and i have had this writer's block but the man on the television tells me there is no such thing. this is easy for him to say, he has gone through it all. he enjoys doing the dishes. he is from the same place i am and there is no reason that i can't be the man on the television, telling people there is no such thing as the enjoyment of washing dishes. he probably doesn't even own dishes. he looks like a paper plate type of guy. 

i want to make a film about the excitement and the thrill of it all. the thrill of making films. that is what i want to capture. i think it has to capture that. most films don't. they feel automatic. i want spontaneity. i want mistakes. i want fuck ups. but i want to stick to the script. i want my friends to be involved. my friends are always involved. i told off all my friends. shit, i have to find more friends. where do you meet people when you're twenty five? i'm not in school, hanging around at school would just seem weird and awkward, it did when i went there, no reason it wouldn't still. i can't go to work and meet people i don't have a job. should i get a job? maybe i could write a friend. i could recycle an old idea. i could go out and go to a meeting. you always see people at meetings in films, AA meetings, cancer survivor meetings, every kind of meeting. meeting in a park. i have never once seen any kind of small flyer saying "meeting tonight". these to me seem false. maybe in winnipeg there is no one to help you. maybe you just have to help yourself. hands open, helping hands, something that does not exist here. 

everybody likes to ask me these questions, what are you doing? i think that i hate talking about myself. i like telling people about something that i have done because maybe that is more interesting than something about my actual self. i can tell you an opinion on a song or a film or a collection of works by an artist in their entirety while leaving out EPs or student films or simply their early works, but it wouldn't stick. it always comes back to me having to talk about myself. maybe i don't know it any other way. maybe i'm secretly wanting to be the center of attention. me me me. i try to be selfless. i actively say "i want to help people". i hold doors. 

sorry, had to go to the bathroom. i spend most of my time there. anyways, where was i?

i had a point. either way. my stomach hurts. some people think i have a gluten allergy. others believe it to be an intolerance towards lactose. my thoughts are that it may be somewhere in the middle of this whole mess, but also a stress related problem. it could be no one will ever know because i will not go to a doctor. i stay up all night worrying. i can't sleep in my bed so i use the couch. i eat whenever i feel like it and then am thrown off when i have to attend an actual meal with people. i suffer for my art. i am not faceless for my art, though i do hide behind the camera, except when i am acting and in front of it. 

some days i sit and do absolutely nothing, even though i know i have a long list of things i should be doing. but i get so overwhelmed and can't figure out which one holds the largest priority that i panic and i don't do any of them. as a result, dishes pile up, jobs go un-applied for, deadlines get missed, emails and phone calls and texts go un-answered, did i mention the pile of dishes? when i go to eat my peanut butter directly from the jar i cannot as i have used all of my spoons, forks and knives. all of them are gone, gone gone. well, not gone, they are in my sink and covered in stuck on food stuffs. if they begin to smell i do not notice, i have no real sense of smell. i do, i'm exaggerating slightly. i just have really horrible sinuses. most people have so much room to breath with but i only have an eighth of that. it's called non-alergenic rhinitus, an inflammation of the mucus membranes. yes, there are pills to take and sprays to spray but they all give me headaches and do nothing to help. i sniff and feel sick all the time. between my stomach and my nose i don't know whether to cut off my nose to spite her face or cut off my ass to spite her toilet. either way. 

the finding of the film has been a difficult one. the art is lost on you. you didn't know i painted. i did at one point. my art teacher died a month after my grandfather. the first and second funerals i ever went to in my life. i was twenty two. i felt strange that spring, i was single and alone for the longest time. i rode around in a car with a girl who sang along to daniel johnston. she made me lose my temper for whatever reason. i think because she was sleeping with her thesis advisor. philosophy students make horrible muses. the girl that played her in the film was from a small town, one that my grandmother emigrated to when she came to canada as a young girl. the actress who played the girl was also a girl that i liked but she went to australia after dating my friend and now i don't see either of them anymore. there was also a french girl who has a common name of girls that i date. there was a girl whose name rhymes with date. i think that i pushed most of them away, though some of them drove me to it. i think i counted it out once and i've dated something like forty girls. this could be an exaggeration, but i don't feel like really counting it all out right now and the number would be inaccurate because i am getting forgetful in my old age. i don't think i was the right person for each girl at the time we dated. i have some fond memories of certain girls but overall i don't think i liked very many of them. or, in hindsight. either way. it always goes that way, you have these fond memories and thoughts of "what if" but then when you really think about it, you remember why it all ended, why you walked away, how they made you crazy for the wrong reasons more than the right ones. you fill in the blanks that time has erased. you believe in yourself once again. 

the game of memory lane and catch up can only be used for a few good reasons, none of which are coming to mind right now. if i think hard enough, maybe something will stick. i suppose curiosity is as good a reason as any. the simple fact that you are curious as to what someone is up to. someone you once shared a few moments with. a few intimate moments, a few humorous moments, a few hard moments. the curiosity can get to you. fortunately, the curiosity usually comes in the middle of the night. unfortunately, people have access to things such as email and the telephone. then you find out that this person is engaged. they got engaged the exact same day you decided to think about them. you have a slight mind fuck. you cry a little inside when you think about the moment on the driveway in the cold winter air, the way the fake fur collar of her coat felt against your face. you think about the phone calls. the letters. the music and the films. you think about all the things that mean something to someone and wonder if that person feels the same about those things that you do. maybe they've forgotten. it's too hard to forget that though. 

there are only a few that have hit you this hard. the thing is though, you know that everything happens for a certain reason. you would not want to be with her now, you are different people. though it still hurts you to think about how she is with someone else. sharing these new moments. songs take on new meanings, whether she holds on to the old ones or not. places, street corners, hallways, beverages, all have new meanings. something in the way she moves me. you had that window and it was open. the window is now closed. it is alright with you.

the moments are still fresh in your mind. where they really that great? did they really matter and happen and did each girl feel each thing that you did? is it a possibility that they still romanticize each and every thought that you do? have they moved on in new and different ways? you have, that's for certain. but you still get a little smile when you walk down a hallway, hear a song, breathe in the cold winter air of winnipeg and its surrounding municipalities. you smile a little and think that you are building a new life for yourself in the here and now. be here now. don't believe the truth. definitely, maybe. within you without you. i. me. mine. i am mine. 

the poster on your wall is staring at you to come inside and let it hold you. let it add you to the ways in which it hangs. 

a reference needs to be provided. the more the better. four at the most though, please. proof of your education. a copy will do. the names of the courses that you have previously taken. the ways that you would be an asset to us. not how we can be an asset to you. this is obvious. we will provide you with money when you provide us with a service that we deem appropriate of said terms. please agree to them. 

i used to read a lot of fiction when i started university. i hadn't read a lot in high school. i didn't even read the stuff i had to for class, and that did not change when i reached a post-secondary education. i read what i wanted to. then i wrote things. i wrote so much. one of my binders was stolen in a back pack that also had a really cool weezer patch on it. i was devastated. either way, i wouldn't go back and look at it now for any kind of reference. no help for us now. 

now i read only non-fiction, almost exclusively. it's difficult for me to latch into characters and things that have been made up. perhaps this has attributed (or the reverse) as to why i have been feeling extremely non-creative as of late. 

it's true. 

coming to a theatre near you. my stomach ache. in technicolour surround sound with a free pack of the fun size candies of your choice. 

excuse me while i am ill again.


i will never know why i made you the answer to all my problems.

the girl. the girl is always the answer. i don't know why. i live on the sidelines, i'm the dutiful guy, the standby, the love, the friend, the best friend, the acquaintance, the admirer, the reason. 

i find that i do a lot of waiting and holding stock in someone. i put all my problems resting on whether or not they care. i've stood by for so long, especially in this past year. 

i wait. i've been putting off life so much these past few months since i've been here. frozen in this spot. i haven't done anything because you haven't asked. 

i've always made the girl the answer to the problems. always. following around the girl. holding out for the girl. thinking the girl would change for me. find me. thinking whatever she said was scripture. 

this may seem a tad silly, but it is all true.

i don't know why i made you the answer to all my problems. i will never know. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the final final day of shooting

shot the final re-shoots/pick ups for the film today. done. wrapped. can you believe it?

we shot our first scene earlier than the rest, first weekend in september. then slowly we built, did all of october, first weekend of november, a wednesday in december and now here it is february(!?) and we did it. we had to shoot a re-whatnot for the opening scene in harv's office, we did that and FINALLY officially wrapped the office. donezo. nice to get my salt & pepper back that we left there. and my towels. mmm more than one towel.

then we went to the university to re-shoot our 'band inserts' (1960s bands performing the hits of harv). we had shot these in october on super 8 but the camera, well, the film just didn't develop. so we shot in b&w 16 on the bolex and backed it up shooting hd (we should be fine, but anyway) and it was good. matt kennedy was back again and fully beatled out, a dude from the editing class and myself played 'the band' - then reimer (he was one of our paparazzi) and chad's friend brett were our 'awesome cousins' ... beyond hilarious. they are dreamboats and put michael buble to shame in the crooner department. then ava reprised her role as bonnie bennett and we rolled out the rest of the footage on me sitting, playing guitar and smoking one of my stinky prop herbal ciggies. about a six hour day and that was that. 

now we can send off all our footage (the 16mm stuff we shot in december with today's lot) and hopefully (praying to god) get it all back. it will be a solid little film. trust me.

now that i have all this junk back in my apartment i need to clean up my apartment. badly. 

baldy baldy baldddddddddd...................da!

'look this magnet says fuck on it'

watched a hard days night last night and it was pop pop perfection. wish i had watched it before we shot as i would have ripped it off a lot. we don't rip off a lot of rocknroll movies, we do a little reference here to hcl and there to back to the future part II that only four people will get but yeah. hard days night might be one of the best films ever made. i have my reasons for thinking so.


that's a picture wrap on 'a reasonable man - the unauthorized biography of harv stevens'

a little anti-climactic though as chad had to rush off to band practice and i came home and re-heated some leftovers and watched lost. thus is life.
and in my life, i loved them all.

Monday, February 2, 2009

john is my middle name.

welp, i stayed in my apartment all day today. for some reason, it has been insanely hot in my apartment. i cranked down the thermostat all the way, but it makes me wonder if i am still feverish. i sit here, naked, with fans blowing on me non-stop and still I AM WARM. i cannot breath in this insulated faux tropical climate. i must leave! but it is now nearly two in the morning.

i spent my day frumping because i received an email that they coudldn't pay me for hcl yet because the banking number i gave them was one number too long so tomorrow on my adventures out i will go to the bank and throw shoes at people until i get paid. this would be easier if they didn't live in toronto. 

when jen called me at about 830 i realized that i hadn't talked all day. i do this sometimes, sometimes i at least talk to myself but today, nope. i thought, it's not really so hard to not talk for a day, i should try a silence thing for a day or two, then a week, then a month, see where it goes. i'm really okay being totally anti-social as long as i am financially sound (which, at the moment, i am not).

i'm nearing the last hundred pages of my 800 plus page book on john lennon (the life) and i was saddened to find that the last ten years of the life were given only the final two hundred pages, the first hundred of which babble on and on about boring court rulings and royalty battles for pages and pages while the discussion of the recording of an album is basically two lines, something to the effect of 'they made a record, it had songs'. kind of a let down. i'm curious to see what the lost weekend has in store, harry nilsson, all that jazz. it just doesn't seem like there is enough room. i'm a little disappointed overall with the last half of the book. i've enjoyed it thus far, but blah to the last quarter.

another thing i just realized was in the phil spector biography 'tearing down the wall of sound' the relationship between spector and lennon is HUGE and discussed at great length, while this lennon book basically says he was a producer. doesn't go into it at all. totally disappointing. 

we are going to shoot the re-shoots and re-vision of the opening 1958 section of the film on wednesday. to be honest, i want this fucking thing off my computer so that i can have all my itunes and photos back (they are on a hard drive that i don't know how to access and if i did, it would take hours to transfer the stuff over, you can't just access it, as is my understanding, but i hate computers and do not know a fucking thing about them).

i suppose i'm down, despite the fact that jen and i had a great few days together on the weekend, uptown christmas party (a month late) was a blast and our sopranos marathon/cuddle fest was great on sunday. i have been too ill in the voice to do the radio show for three weeks now though and i am getting anxious. i feel better now (despite feeling feverish) and hope to do it this week. 

i wish i were financially stable. nothing fancy, just enough to live like this and eat chicken fingers, eggs, peanut butter and read books all day. it's really nice. a little lonely and un-rewarding, but nice all the same. 
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