Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the final final day of shooting

shot the final re-shoots/pick ups for the film today. done. wrapped. can you believe it?

we shot our first scene earlier than the rest, first weekend in september. then slowly we built, did all of october, first weekend of november, a wednesday in december and now here it is february(!?) and we did it. we had to shoot a re-whatnot for the opening scene in harv's office, we did that and FINALLY officially wrapped the office. donezo. nice to get my salt & pepper back that we left there. and my towels. mmm more than one towel.

then we went to the university to re-shoot our 'band inserts' (1960s bands performing the hits of harv). we had shot these in october on super 8 but the camera, well, the film just didn't develop. so we shot in b&w 16 on the bolex and backed it up shooting hd (we should be fine, but anyway) and it was good. matt kennedy was back again and fully beatled out, a dude from the editing class and myself played 'the band' - then reimer (he was one of our paparazzi) and chad's friend brett were our 'awesome cousins' ... beyond hilarious. they are dreamboats and put michael buble to shame in the crooner department. then ava reprised her role as bonnie bennett and we rolled out the rest of the footage on me sitting, playing guitar and smoking one of my stinky prop herbal ciggies. about a six hour day and that was that. 

now we can send off all our footage (the 16mm stuff we shot in december with today's lot) and hopefully (praying to god) get it all back. it will be a solid little film. trust me.

now that i have all this junk back in my apartment i need to clean up my apartment. badly. 

baldy baldy baldddddddddd...................da!

'look this magnet says fuck on it'

watched a hard days night last night and it was pop pop perfection. wish i had watched it before we shot as i would have ripped it off a lot. we don't rip off a lot of rocknroll movies, we do a little reference here to hcl and there to back to the future part II that only four people will get but yeah. hard days night might be one of the best films ever made. i have my reasons for thinking so.


that's a picture wrap on 'a reasonable man - the unauthorized biography of harv stevens'

a little anti-climactic though as chad had to rush off to band practice and i came home and re-heated some leftovers and watched lost. thus is life.
and in my life, i loved them all.

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