Friday, February 20, 2009

baROCK obama

so i wanted to say something about the jerry seinfeld perfomance on conan last night. well, say something else, i already said something in this here blog last night.

i think what rubbed me the wrong way about it was that you don't ever see anything new from seinfeld. his show has been off the air for over a decade - how are we to adapt to something new from him? he released a documentary and live dvd and has continued to do stand up and commercials and bee movie but just seeing him do stand up and an interview on conan seemed ... i don't know. foreign to me? his delivery is the same, his stand up is still meh, but because you know everything he has done so well from thousands of viewings of the show you are weary towards new material. it doesn't feel comfortable, familiar, like an old pair of underwear that becomes you after a while. it just doesn't seem right. 

that's all. blah. i hate today. i have been falling asleep early lately but couldn't last night and now here i am, arising at 1130 (only because my landlady knocked on the door to check the smoke alarm) and i'm out of it. i couldn't sleep. i hate this. i hate sitting and waiting and wondering about everything. i have had the WORST stomach aches in a while this week, makes me want to fall over and give up on life. i need this new job so, so badly. not need, want. well, need too. anyways. now i'm just typing my thoughts. every single thought. every. single. thought.


cookie party.



watched 'i yabba dabba doo' on monday with jen, where a grown up pebbles (so hot) and a grown up bamm bamm get hitched. ridiculous and formulaic but that is what the flintstones is. everyone's name is just a rock pun, every place, every object. then i thought someone should do a flintstones with baROCK obama...

fuck my life.

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