Thursday, February 19, 2009

a tail of many things

welp, last night i went and did an insane photo shoot for uptown, involving inner city kids being helped out by filmmakers. they're doing a rap video, it's basically insane but really a neat concept. one of the filmmakers was the second in command of the winnipeg warriors and did jail time and they did a doc about him for sharing circle or something and they showed the kids and it kinda scared em straight. they also told me how some of the kids at age ten are already being scouted by gangs. fucked up.

got a call about the interviews for less than kind, interviewing monday for the props/set dec departments, then on march 2nd the writers come to town so my fate might be in their hands.

also, through randomness, jen was interviewing dan from bend sinister over the phone, they were talking about how they had shot a bunch of footage two years ago for a canadian doc about touring this great country of ours, how they gave it to an editor they found on craig's list and he did nothing with it for a year (the dude disappeared basically) and jen said "i have a great editor for you" and now they are coming to town on march 18 to play, so they wanna meet up the night before and see what is what, but it basically sounds like if i'm not a psycho then they'll let me take a crack at it.

hoping to get the harvey film done sooner than later - having some slight scheduling mishaps this week. oh well. josh has a batch of new songs to work on for the soundtrack and the score and we're hoping to get the sound design done this week. also, the 16mm footage should be back from the lab soon ... fingers crossed. to keep up with your harvness, check this out.

jen and i had a great ER night tonight, watched the last few weeks of episodes we had on tape then watched tonight's and HOLY SHIT countdown to the end ... !

watched jerry seinfeld on conan tonight (one more episode in new york!) and he was so so. weird to think that conan has been on as long as he has, watched it almost from the beginning (what, i was ten when he started!) and can't believe that five years ago they named him as jay's successor (it was though, because i remember george lopez bitching at leno not going down with the ship blah blah and when was the last time you heard anyone talk about george fucking lopez?)

anyways, get to take photogs of taylor burgess aka twotails tomorrow. you will dig his fresh new sounds as he sings the mp3s at his release show next week at the lo pub. you will go. it is friday night with these guys and if you liked tigerrr beat you will adore them.

 well, fuck me i'm tired. g'nite.

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