Monday, February 9, 2009


i will never know why i made you the answer to all my problems.

the girl. the girl is always the answer. i don't know why. i live on the sidelines, i'm the dutiful guy, the standby, the love, the friend, the best friend, the acquaintance, the admirer, the reason. 

i find that i do a lot of waiting and holding stock in someone. i put all my problems resting on whether or not they care. i've stood by for so long, especially in this past year. 

i wait. i've been putting off life so much these past few months since i've been here. frozen in this spot. i haven't done anything because you haven't asked. 

i've always made the girl the answer to the problems. always. following around the girl. holding out for the girl. thinking the girl would change for me. find me. thinking whatever she said was scripture. 

this may seem a tad silly, but it is all true.

i don't know why i made you the answer to all my problems. i will never know. 

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