Sunday, March 29, 2009

the jew nose

so i'm (sorta) watching the juno awards (which i said i wouldn't, but it's pretty funny - unintentionally - because these people are all douches). ANYWAYS if you've ever seen the show 'where you at baby?' with matt wells on muchmoremusic, then you probably saw the episode where fatass mike reno from loverboy bitched about not being in the canadian rock hall of fame. so tonight, i just watched a very scripted and lame mike reno and his band of workers for the weekend being inducted. hmm. i should go on tv and get fat and bitch about not being in a hall of fame. yes, you may have more juno awards than any other shitty 80s rock band (they won six one year) and yes, you may have gold records that you now keep in a duffel bag with your junos ... but that does not entitle you to anything. people expect too much in this life. isn't it enough that you still get to live off of these five hit singles thirty years later? isn't it enough that you do not, in fact, have to work at all for the weekend?

also - cool to see the stills on mainstream tv and radio but not really cool that they won 'best new group' as they have been together for a decade and this is their third full length. also, i don't care about dallas green and his lame bow tie. 

just saying. next year they should just give every award to joel plaskett.

when i was in high school this complete asshole who failed three years was in my grade ten class and would call me 'jew nose' (my nose is kinda big, but whatever) and thusly, whenever i hear of canada's lame answer to the lamer grammy's i think of this asshole and how one time he and this other asshole pissed in a bucket all night and then dumped it on their friend. god, high school was a dark place, am i right? especially dakota. if you weren't drunk or stoned you really didn't matter there. gooooood times.

well, that's all i got in me tonight.

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