Wednesday, March 11, 2009

nothing really to report

so i can't stop listening to the new metric - there are fucking ANTHEMS on this disc people!
i've been listening to it on repeat as i put together some stop-motion animation using the pictures i've taken over the last few months (you find that when you snap em off in a row that you can use them like a flip book - put it to some fast music and BAM) and it's looking neat.
felt nice to have something productive come from my night instead of just eating munchy mix and watching a vhs of the show cracking up (it only lasted 9 episodes, starred molly shannon and jason schwartzman, created by mike white) so that was nice.
had a nice lunch with my dad today, we palled around and didn't discuss the fact that i'm running out of money and haven't gotten THE job (yet?) so i need to find out some shit. he was great and supportive but politely trying to kick my ass.
also, got some shitty news about my neighbour and friend - gonna miss ya buddy (not dead, don't worry). 
also ALSO need to check my bank account more often. jeepers. but i sold the drums, so that is a plus!

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