Thursday, March 5, 2009

the job interview

had 'the job interview' today. i was stressing and stressing for probably a month leading up to this. it lasted for fifteen minutes. it went as well as it could have. i got to meet mark mckinney which was awesome. he and the other writers seem like really great people and i would be lucky to get to work with them. 

cool moment 1) i walk into the upstairs office (not that intimidating, i'd been to this production office many times) and there he was, about my height and stuck out his hand, "hi, i'm mark" and something washed over me: he's just a guy named mark. yes, he's also one of the most influential sketch comics of the last twenty years and yes he is also a brilliant writer and actor (check out studio 60) and yes, he is a kid in the hall and was on snl but he's also just a dude, and that was pretty great to see. (also, walking into the room reminded me of the opening sequence of that one season of k.i.t.h. where they walk into this big party and everyone is laughing and yeah, i flashed to that for a second).

cool moment 2) when mark asked me if i was organized and i said i was very, i was anal about how organized i was he said "anal is a naughty word, we don't use naughty words here." that was pretty funny.

so i'm going to try to go to the master class with bruce tomorrow at film group and then check out pontypool in the evening. 

also, if you want to check out how cool canadian films get made, here's a great page with some great blogs about bruce's early work from his old producing partner. 

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