Saturday, March 14, 2009

my first tattoo

After a month of going back and forth, yesterday was the breaking point for me. I could not stop thinking about getting this tattoo. So today, I did it! "All the poems written in your skin" is a lyric from the song "Some People" by Goldfrapp. I got it on my left forearm. When I first heard it I had one of those moments when I felt like it was written just for me.

What does it mean to me? A couple of things. First, it's to remind me that there's always poetry inside of me. Secondly...I've always been inspired by scars. Each one has it's own story. Each one is a poem. I don't know how many times I've written about my own scars. They always seem to be the main subject in a lot of what I write. So the second meaning, and the most important one, is quite literal. All the poems really are written in my skin.

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