Saturday, April 11, 2009

i'm sick.

so i'm fairly certain that my body is dying and my mind is soon to follow. my stomach aches have become worse than ever in the last few months, possibly because i have nothing to distract me from them. either way, i am in an insane amount of pain. adjusting my diet to the pain works sometimes, but then one meal throws it all off. curses.

also there is the mystery of my sinus problems. not exactly a mystery, i almost died in grade five from this shit, but come on. i'm 26 years old. gimme a break.

i did a shoot the other day with romi mayes and her backing band, the weber brothers. it was a blast. romi said it was the most fun she'd had on a shoot and it was definitely one of my favourites as well. we shot it at the pyramid, great stuff. won't be on the cover for a few weeks, but you'll see. 

turns out the weber brothers are hired guns of sorts, they play with ronnie hawkins band, the hawks. yes, ronnie hawkins from THE BAND. they were cool and i did some promo shots for them as well.

i can't sleep ever and when i do i'm awoken by the saturday morning vacuuming in the hallway. WHO FUCKING DOES THIS ON A SATURDAY? BANGING AGAINST MY DOOR??????

my guitar does not gently weep, if it does, it's only because i don't know how to play it.

but i'm feeling all sorts of sick today. i wish just once that i could feel normal. that would be lovely.

i'm stressed.

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