Monday, April 13, 2009

Moving on

Sorry I have not posted in a little while. My life is a bit topsy-turvy at the moment and I'm trying to settle my soul into what's actually happening. Breakups are always ground shaking, but especially when they're quite unexpected and when you not only lose your boyfriend, whom you've been with for almost 5 years, but when you also lose your best friend. And also your best dog friend. And also....well, there is always loss in these kind of things, but I'm dealing with the grief and moving on because if I know life, I know that it has a way of turning the sour lemons into lemonade.

I'm packing up my things and will be moving back to Texas at the end of the week, so I may be flighty. I have to find a job and figure out a way to support myself so I don't always have to rely on people. I have to get rid of my old patterns so I don't end up in this situation again. And for once, I have to do what I love. Follow my dreams. Remember who I am and why I'm here.

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