Monday, April 6, 2009

the lovely ladies of snl

well i'm incredibly overtired. i have nothing insanely new to report. jen and i watched the finale of ER and i think it was pretty great. paid nice homage to the first episode a few times, tied up loose ends, sent us on some new trails ... good times. great girl. she makes me happy. she bought me a shirt with max from where the wild things are on it. she also got me keebler elves. mmmm. 

supposed to take pictures of romi mayes on wednesday for the cover of uptown but the guy from the bar she's playing at won't call me back and she wanted to do the shoot there ... hmmm. that pyramid cabaret is quite a thing.

there's a girl that works at my bank that is married to an old high sch
ool friend of mine. she said it was his birthday on the weekend and they all kept her up late. turns out that everyone from high school still hangs out together. i told her to wish him a happy belated for me ... and for the last eight birthdays. after high school those guys just stopped calling. no, wait - on my 19th birthday they got incredibly drunk before coming over, made a scene and left. goooood times. i suppose this is why i'm not friends with them anymore, because i basically wasn't in the first place.

then it got me thinking about how things are going. 

i have the day off tomorrow (when don't i?) and i plan on being pro
ductive. i plan on either writing, starting up a flicker account (or some kind of photo account), doing something, making a stop motion short, possibly eating, not dying. i will do things in that order or i won't do them at all!

interesting finds for the day:
the anniversary party on dvd for 2.99 at zellers
john lennon & yoko ono on dick cavette for 9.99
the tom snyder punk/new wave dvd for 9.99
broadway danny rose for 9.99 all at mcnally

yes - i know i shouldn't spend money. but it's not li
ke i spend a lot on groceries, so i justify it that way. i don't eat, but i have a neat dvd collection. i could stand to lose this gut of mine anyways. perhaps i'll go jogging now that it's nice out. who'm i kidding? i can't even sprint without getting winded. i used to be in such good shape (ten years ago). 

jeepers. if i don't find a job this week i won't get paid in time to pay my rent. maybe this stress is what is giving me the stomach aches. well fuck.

on a random note (when aren't they?) i was thinking about how i can finally enjoy saturday night live's ladies now that amy poehler is gone. kristen wiig, casey wilson, abby 'chris elliott is my dad' elliott, and even that other chick are foxy, hilarious and foxy and hilarious. abby elliott is actually the youngest female ever on the show and the forth youngest cast member behind donkey, iron man and tv dead zone. yes, the ladies of snl. funny, funny foxes.

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