Saturday, April 4, 2009


welp - weirdness.

i've been feeling out of it as i haven't eaten much as i ran outta food. anyways ... 

my friend taylor rode his bicycle over today and we traded lo-fi tapes and after he left he called me and had a great idea for a possible harv stevens tribute show ... kind of an idea that i had in my head to do a screening with some bands but he has an idea to cover the song with his collective/label mates who are we eat meat and not animals and that would be insanely exciting (i dig w.e.m. and not animals is chris of former tigerrrbeatness and they were amazing and this new stuff he's doing is fantastic and i've already rambled about how great taylor aka twotails is, if you've watched this you know). ANYWAYS so that happened.

went to my parents for dinner and my sister has been awake for 36 hours - she got back from mexico this morning at 630am or something and went to work at 830am and is now going to the bar. she's craaaaaaazy. my mom had my acoustic guitar restrung and as i don't have my bass (i lent it to josh) i started trying to play the guitar (i haven't been able to before) but my logic was that i've become a better bass player so maybe i could play these bass songs on guitar hmmmmmmm? well, sorta. holding the guitar is a lot different. anyways. we'll see what happens there. maybe i'll get bored later tonight and make songs.

also, there is a FUCKING LOUD party going on underneath me. andrea said she might be going to it. part of me thinks i should go out or something but i don't have any moneys. at all. oh well. night in for me. yawn. the exciting life of ME.

also ALSO now that the drums are gone (enjoying them alexa?????) now i have a place for my guitar stand.

also ALSO ALSO watching lizzie powell clips on youtube makes me smile on a saturday night.

and thus ends one of the most pointless, venty, self indulgent rants in a while.

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