Tuesday, December 23, 2008

hard at work ... rocking?

so i have been creatively stumped for the last ... few weeks. months even. i haven't done much more than sit in front of the tv, routinely viewing top model, still standing, er, friends ... kind of depressing. 

while puttering over the editing of the film tonight (sometimes i force myself to look at it, in hopes that i will magically be able to cut 8 minutes out of it) i came up with a great solution for our lost super 8 footage - you'll see. the flick will be tighter because of it. 

then i came up with a great idea for a short. well, i came up with the characters and the setting. it's not a lot of story, more the interaction of the characters, which is what i like more. story just comes out of that usually in my shorts. i have done a few that were plot driven (with 'chuck forgets' i had an outline of the plot and had a dreadful time plugging words into it) but for the most part i tend to focus on the interactions of people and their surroundings, how said surroundings affect them, blah blah blah. it is a new york story that takes place in one evening in new york city, 1980. you will love it. trust me. we'll make it in the spring. it will be amazing. 

i'm also just realizing, as i've been sitting on my ass for the last ... few weeks ... that starting tomorrow i will be going non-stop christmas family crazy for the next three days. visiting kaeliegh, then getting jen, then my family, stay over at my parent's, then jen's parents in the evening on xmas day then my family again on boxing day for a brunch. jeepers. 

new years resolutions:
to quit my addictions
to have a job
to be more focused and tidy
to stop putting things off

i find when i set goals for myself they generally get done. here's hoping 2009 is a lot better than the latter half of 2008 ... i feel like all i did was make a film and take a few pictures and watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books and record a lot of ridiculous lo-fi songs. which is what i did.

one christmas memory before i go:
this is a recent one, two years ago on christmas eve, my mom made me go and get a hair cut because, well, family pictures, my hair was shaggy, blah blah. strangely enough, my dad's hair dresser fit me in and i went. craig came with me, for whatever reason. he fell asleep in the waiting area and i REALLY wanted to draw on his face. the hair dresser thought it would be funny to give my mom the hair in a gift bag, as a gag, you know? so we put this large amount of my freshly cut locks into a festive holiday bag and i brought it home. i was laughing so hard i was crying, but i couldn't give it to her, as i didn't think she would get the gag. i eventually gave it to caley gibson randomly one time when he was over. he and i haven't spoken in over a year. ah, christmas.

happy ho ho?

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