Saturday, December 6, 2008

journals for 'a reasonable man' part 3

monday november 17
so bruce called today, but i was asleep because i never fall asleep at a decent hour because i don't do anything all day and so i called his office and he wasn't there but then he called me back. he apologized for not being around and all lately (he's the nicest guy, i swear) and calmed my nerves on a few issues that i had about the site and the comments from the other writers. nothing negative, just stuff i didn't know. anyways. he might be in town in march and he said we could hang out if he was.


also he said that hugh dillon couldn't open the files on his computer so bruce has to send him a 'fuckin hard copy'. 

tonight i went and helped out dave brown at an onalee ames acting class, they were doing auditions. i got to be 'the director'. it was a blast actually. there are some talented folks in that room. some people (the younger actors) couldn't pronounce certain words ... but we'll forgive them. saw a few old friendly faces and a few people i swear didn't remember me, people i had put in my films. no recognition from them. maybe i remember them because i get to stare at their faces over and over in editing and they don't remember me because it is like a one day experience for them. hmmmm. i dunno. they did scenes from the flick 'living in oblivion' and the characters are named nick and chad ... that made me laugh, i didn't think about that until tonight.

then dave took us out for drinks and food. he wouldn't let us pay. he is one helluva guy that dave brown. met a few folks and had some chats. i haven't gone out and socialized a lot lately so it was cool. 7pm-2am with the class then the outing. i was telling some stories and i guess i've gotten soft in my old age (i was never a hard drug user or anything, but since i've quit drinking i worry that i've turned into a pussy or something, well, not really, but i'm even LESS of a ... i don't know. tough guy? guy's guy? something.)

december 2, 2008
so lots of ups and downs the last week or so.

got a call the other morning waking me up - my cousin meghan's dad died. she had just gotten back from two years of working on a resort island and was living with him for the last two weeks. he died by himself though, in the middle of the night. pretty sad. 

been getting lots of editing done. have a rough assembly (that is a pretty tight picture cut, actually). it clocks in at 36 minutes - so i'm sure the rough cut will be 40 minutes when we add in the super 8 and 16mm footage. it's looking pretty good, flows well, it's quick and punchy. i like it. it needs a lot of work though.

bruce called the other day and page by page praised me for my work, which was pretty exciting. talked about the next steps, always vague but always good. call was almost twenty minutes, turning into more conversations than me just saying 'yup' in awe. so there's that.

had a nice weekend with jen. quite a nice few days. watched 'my winnipeg', shopped, cuddled, all the good things you want from a relationship!

oh, and the other film thing. a change up in our other male lead character - nothing bad happened, don't worry. things are changing for the better me thinks. just a strange situation and we shoot tomorrow. so ... there's that!

Wednesday, december 3
so we shot the final scenes today. met up at landau ford lincoln to shoot in the upstairs of the old un-renovated area upstairs. our replacement actor, andrew nolan was quite brilliant as 'john winston'. him and i had some great chemistry. darcy was supposed to play john but recommended andrew and darc still came out to hang for the first bit of the shoot. awesome. had a 'yoko' in there as well, a girl named meghan, what a good sport.

crew wise we had - bj, wes, josh, kael and leah. chad directed. i acted and assisted. brett did make up. after shooting in (we re-dressed harv's office for the hotel dakota) and out (the exchange looks just like new york city!) we wrapped the first half of the day by 230 (we started at 930). set up for the other half of the day, drew as milt doing his intro interview, kael as karen doing hers, lee as trevor burton doing his, marc as grant davidson and a last minute addition was leah and bj playing the children of their characters, years later. 
during lunch, we got a call from lee, his wife had been rushed to the hospital. we understood he couldn't make it. then, he called and said his wife would have to go in for tests and that he would still come, they felt it was better he shoot it and then shave his mustache (apparently his wife wasn't a fan!)
i think we shot kael's first, HILARIOUS. then drew's, in front of a door that eventually locked itself. no keys. drill? nope. credit card? nope. sledgehammer? yes. shot the rest and were out by 915pm. long ass day, but a great day. superb crew, can't thank everyone enough. shot it on 16mm ... the first half on black & white and the second (interviews) in colour. glorious colour!

so that wraps principal photography on 'a reasonable man'...

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