Monday, December 15, 2008

hello, i'm the older brother of indie rock...

so we went to the walker tonight for some jingle bell rocks action, took me 45 minutes to drive to jen's work (usually takes 20 at the most) because it is a) frozen as all hell and b) people drive like assholes when it is this frozen. early show, many acts, doors at 6 (we arrived just in time) and mike relm, the best mash up dj i have ever seen played to almost no one, which is a shame because he is charming and amazing. spun some new stuff, was awesome.
sebastien grainger then played to almost no one as well in his gotch and suspenders. AMAZING. better than dfa 1979. 
i should probably mention that it was rush seating on the floor area. we got some seats right on the edge in the first row, so children kept pushing past us. when i say children, i mean the place was packed with teens and tweens, teghan and sara look-a-likes, annoying kids with iPhones, not knowing how to stand in one place or actually watch a band play. as mike relm said 'can i get some more volume, i can hear their darkest secrets'. after sg, i said 'let's get real seats' and we did. but we were right by the bouncer and i kept getting distracted by children bugging him to let them up front. and drunk girls. and drunker guys. seriously, who lets these people out of the stupid ward?
the dears blew my mind, much more entertaining than three (four?) years ago opening for matt good. great stuff. tokyo police club seemed to be fan favourites, delivering a slightly tighter show than the other three times i've seen them. write a song longer than 2 minutes and we'll talk.
metric then played mostly songs from their un-released new record, and the songs rocked. i had never seen them and i will say a) emily haines is a great frontwoman and b) she should probably eat a sub from quizno's she is so darn thin. but she is still a vixen, and was warm to the audience.
all in all, despite the fucking freezing cold of the inside of the theatre (it was basically like being outside) we had a good time!
i should sleep but i never can.

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